On Sundays, Dress to Impress

The Raider Nation has been traveling over some bumpy, rough waters this past month. The offensive unit has struggled mightily in the first 2 games. The media has been frothing at the mouth to take some free swings at the Raider piñata. Davis, Shell, Walsh, the O-line, Brooks, Moss, Porter, the system, and the organization have been written about in less than flattering terms. The only feasible, logical, and important way to curtail this outbreak of negativity is to take care of business on the field. To get this ship off the rocks and into the open sea, the team needs to start playing passionate, sound football.
How has the majority of the Raider Nation reacted to the onslaught of venom spewed at their favorite team or in their personal direction for their allegiance? Standing Tall. Standing Proud. Busting out their finest Raiders gear. Flying the silver and black colors in the face of adversity. Some of the Raider-Haters must be scratching their heads in bewilderment at this reaction. I’ll let the haters in on a little secret. Despite the team’s recent struggles, the Raider Nation are a fiercely loyal, proud, and hopeful group. Deal with it because our allegiance won’t be swayed by your heckling or negative journalism.
For the Raider faithful, there is always some ray of Silver and Black hope waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Hope comes from a defensive unit that is fast developing into a top 10 defense. Hope comes from a young gunslinger like Andrew Walter who is brimming with talent, poise, and leadership qualities. Hope comes from unleashing the freak in Moss. Hope comes from the impact that coaches like Defensive Coordinator Ryan and Special Teams Coach Daisher are having on their young charges. Hope comes from Head Coach Shell’s unwavering hand on the team’s pulse. Hope comes from Al Davis who is more committed than ever to return the team to glory. Hope comes from the Raider Nation banding together and continuing to support their team.
A win against the Brownies on Sunday will raise our collective spirits. It is time to march forward and put the past 2 games in our rear view mirror.
Calico Jack’s Prediction: Raiders 20 – Browns 13
Silver and Black Forever. Til Death Do Us Part.