As Alameda Turns

Regardless of whether or not you believe that the Kiffin rumors to be true or false ...
Regardless of whether or not you think good public relations is an important element to a successful business ...
Regardless of whether or not you feel the vacuum of information effects media relations ...
Regardless of whether or not good marketing is vital for increased revenue streams ...
Regardless of whether or not the current uncertainty impacts player relations and the ability to sign top notch FAs and coaches in the future ...
Regardless of whether or not you are disturbed with the dysfunction or think everything is "A OK" ...
Diehard Raider fans deserve better. An anonymous visitor to my site on the previous post had the following comment:
"Al hired Kiffin because of his knowledge of the college prospects but now takes away his input. Someone lied to all of us. the only thing that will straighten Al out is when everyone quits supporting the team. Losing Kiffin will not only hurt getting free-agents but the progress of JaMarcus Russell too. I've been a loyal Raider fan since 1968 and I've had enough."
It doesn't matter if you agree with 100% of this comment. It is a sad fact that this loyal fan of 40 years perception equals his new reality. He is on the verge of drawing a distinct line in the sand primarily due to the dysfunctional aspects of the way the Raiders conduct their business.
Some might insist that this guy is a "Doom & Gloomer" who is off his rocker. My take is that this loyal fan was merely expressing his true feelings. To each his own, right?
Everyone is obviously entitled to their opinions. In my opinion, the current situation is unhealthy, unproductive, and non fan friendly.
Putting your head in the sand and professing that it is business as usual is not using sane judgment especially with the backdrop of a 19 and 61 record the last 5 years.
Each member of the Raider organization has a role to fill. These roles directly impact the 2 most important aspects of the Raiders organization: winning and profitability. Some roles are bigger than others but collectively in the fiercely competitive NFL, EVERYONE needs to be pulling their weight. What the hell is the man in charge of marketing doing? Is the man in charge of public relations on leave? Why is our HC twisting in the wind, Al?
I would argue that the 3 most important men in our organization are Al Davis, Lane Kiffin, and JaMarcus Russell. A triangle of leaders and authority, on and off the field.
Al Davis: Has the final say on personnel, hiring of the HC, and signs the checks. The draft selections & free agency signing the past 5+ years has been spotty at best. He is accountable for the coaching carousel and uninspired choices for HC (Callahan, Turner, Shell). The way that he has handled Kiffin has demonstrated a lack of leadership and decisiveness. The Raiders are in the bottom tier of the league for revenue. Not a pretty picture, huh? All the more reason for Davis to take ownership (no pun intended) of the current situation.
Lane Kiffin: Has gained the support of the Raider Nation and the fans because of his leadership style, gumption, and willingness to stand up to A.D. The Raiders made considerable strides on offense in 2007 and showed a competitive and unified spirit throughout the season. Unfortunately our Alpha Leader has been partially neutered by the rumors of his status. His authority, whether real or perceived, has been diminished. Kiffin's ability to command respect and provide input on key personnel issues would seem to be diminished. His "partnership" with Davis is tenuous at best.
JaMarcus Russell: Our newly minted $60M franchise QB who we will rely on for our future success might be building a new relationship with a new HC. He might be learning a new playbook. A young man starting his career looking down the gun barrel of an organization slip sliding in dysfunction. Continuity and stability at HC greatly shapes a young QB's career. If Kiffin returns for 2008, can Russell block out the soap opera environment of "As Alameda Turns"? Never a dull day in Raiderland.