Darrius Heyward Bust

9 games into the season, Darrius Heyward Bey's value as the #7 pick in the 2009 draft is evident. DHB is a bust. $23M guaranteed to a WR who is averaging less than 1 reception per and a shade under 11 total yards receiving per game (6 receptions, 96 yards).
These minuscule numbers are hard to believe. He has played well over 80% of the total offensive snaps yet his season totals would be considered nothing more than an average day at work for Wes Welker. In 4 games this year, DHB rang up zeros. He has caught only 1 ball in all the 2nd halves combined.
In the game vs. Kansas City on Sunday, DHB had 2 key opportunities to contribute to his unit's success. The first opportunity was a deep 52 yard strike from Russell inside the 5 yard line that was right in his bread basket. DHB dropped it. In the game deciding drive, DHB was wide open around the KC 10 yard line. Gradowski's pass to DHB was right on the mark. Inexplicably, DHB jumped up when he didn't need to jump at all. Instead of securing the ball and keeping a game winning drive alive, DHB played patty cake with the ball, batting it up for Safety Mike Brown to easily catch the carom.
These 2 plays are a microcosm of DHB's season. When the ball is thrown to DHB he fights it, uses poor technique, and seems to panic. DHB lacks the basic football instincts and fundamentals for doing what he is paid to do ... catch the ball. In a nutshell, he lacks the poise, confidence, and abilities to perform the rudimentary elements to being a productive WR.
Is there hope for a guy who has been a complete bust to develop into a solid, reliable WR in the near future? I personally think that DHB could one day become a serviceable, complimentary WR if he works tirelessly at his craft. He could be used as a decoy and and occasional big play WR. We all know he can stretch the field with his speed. We also know the Raiders will give him an extended "try out" due to the HUGE investment sunk into him already.
As far as becoming a "star" WR, true starter, productive 50+ catch WR, DHB lacks the football instincts and sure handed abilities. Until a Head Coach is hired who has complete authority on the 53 man roster, a guy like DHB will continue to earn a steady, sizable scholarship paycheck. None of the other 31 Head Coaches in the NFL would have DHB starting this far into the season based on his performance.
Hey CJ, great take again. Can't get more frustrating. I don't consider this competition for you so I'm going to suggest you linke a website to yours, if you haven't already. www.messagetoal.com
They have a petition to sign and are trying to get a billboard put up at the Coliseum to persuade Al to get some help in the organization. Putting together protests etc like the fans in Cleveland. Cool.
The Top Ten Meanings of "DHB"
Raider Nation:
As most of us (except for Al Davis) have realized, Jamarcus Russell is a certifiable bust. But let's not forget Sunday's "Hero" who almost single-handedly gave the game to the Kansas City Chiefs on a silver platter with his hands of stone: the anti-Michael Cabtree, Darius Heyward-Bey.
Here are the top ten meanings of DHB:
Number ten: Drop Him on the Bench
Number nine: Dosen't Have team's Back
Number eight: Displays Hands of Brick
Number seven: Drives Home crowd Ballistic
Number six: Defenses Have their B-atch
Number five: Doofus Has Brainfart
Number four: Dumbass Handles Ball
Number three: Doesn't Have Ball
Number two: (Al) Davis is Half Baked
...and the Number One meaning of DHB is:
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Raiders of the Lost Cause Part VII- going strong since 2003.
It's the 50th season of a once, proud franchise and, sadly, one of its worse.
OK, so you opionion is known. I agree with any assesment of THIS season. We have to stick with the guy, if he learns how to catch, he will be a weapon.
Cliff Branch and Jerry Rice had similar rookie seasons.
Turn off the ESPN, walk away from the set.
Spicoli - Do your research then pop off. No, Branch & Rice are NOT good comparisons to DHB for MANY reasons.
Branch was a 4th round draft choice.
DHB was a 1st round pick.
Branch started only 1 game in his rookie season. (He was primarily a KR & PR specialist)
DHB has already started 9 games.
Rice started only 4 games and put up 49 receptions and 927 yards in his rookie year. And you want to compare him to DHB? Get real and get your facts straight before you spout off complete jibberish.
I would not be do fast to label DHB. I remind everyone that for the first three years of his career Cliff Branch could not catch a ball to save his life. In fact in his auto biography he said he hatred to play in Oakland because he was booed unmercifully. His stats were always better away from the coliseum. Lets get some consistent coaching and QB play and then we can judge. He should get every bit as much time to develop as we are allowing Jamarcus Russel.
Raider-madness, Redding Ca
I am merely judging DHB current performance and value to the team. It would be great if he develops into a reliable, productive WR. In the meantime, he needs to sit & watch.
He has not shown a basic competency level in football skills, fundamentals, instincts that one would expect from a professional receiver let alone a 1st round pick.
DHB was a wasted draft choice. There is a HUGE difference in expectations and costs between a 4th round pick (Branch) and a player taken #7 overall.
Where's the stickum when you need it?
Seriously, JRuss should be telling him, "Sorry for hitting your hands, I thought you were a WR." The only problem is JRuss isn't much of a QB either; but after Sunday, he has every right to say it. JRuss put the ball in places for him to make a play, and he didn't. They pulled him BG, and DHB did the same to him, costing us the game. Just when I don't think it can get worse, it does.
Passing on Michael Crabtree = mistake!
It was certainly interesting for me to read the article. Thank you for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
To me the real problem isn't DHB. the problem is his draft position. If he was a sixth round choice it would have put less pressure on him and he would have had a chance to develop under the radar. Al, by grabbing him so early, really put the pressure on him.
They just benched that fat piece of shit Jameatball about time, hopefully thats the last game he plays in a Raider uniform.
Hey CJ, all we can hope is that Al comes to his senses before he strokes out and sells off to Madden - what a legacy that would be. JM would get the team on track pronto. And first thing i would do is hire Dungy, that guy is magic.
I hated this draft pick more than any I can remember, and it still kills me to think how many linemen were there for the taking.
For example, Michael Oher has played both sides of the O-line and has a reception for Baltimore. That's more than 10% of Bey's production and Oher plays tackle.
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