Silver & Black Customs

A quick shout out of THANKS to my man "Raider Tom" who built me this custom JRuss 6" figure! This baby is going to be proudly showcased on my desk at work!
If you are interested in having Tom customize one of your favorite players or seeing his fine work, go to this link.
For all of the old school Raider fans, I highly recommend getting the Lester Hayes figure. Tom brilliantly captures the essence of "The Judge" in his classic BumpNRun, press coverage. Very sweet, indeed. For more on Tom's craft, check out my interview from last year.
That's AWESOME! I have to get a custom one-on-on of Bo Jackson running over Bosworth(less).
Thanks for the link, I had no idea about it.
Cool. I want one two. I need a Blanda kicking, and a Blanda throwing.
A friend of mine had a Michael Vick, but his dog ate it.
Raider Nate & BR:
You guys should seriously consider having Tom make you BoJax & Blanda figures. You won't be disappointed.
Awesome! I would like the one of BoJax. I found some football print that looks vintage, for my coming son's room (due August 27th). I am doing pencil drawings of some of my Raider favorites to hang on his wall. The first one I've completed is that of BoJax running over Bosworth. I think that a figure of it would do some more justice. :D
Again, thanks for pointing this out. Since I am the only working so my wife can stay at home and raise our kids, I have to do some budgeting to see what I have left to tinker with. If I have enough, I may get it soon. If I don't, hopefully after Christmas. Either way, I will be placing a custom order.
A great Raider's custom would be of Snake, falling forward, releasing that shotput of a pass against the fish in the "sea of hands" play.
I will have to do the "Ego" thing and have one done with my name on it..."PantyRaider"....Or maybe I send him my photo and he makes me as the "Fan"-w-"PantyRaider" the player....
Well at least I could qualify as the "WaterBoy"....
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