Art Shell & Gorilla Rilla - Photo of the Week

It is a historic day in Raiderland when you get a photo of HOF Head Coach Art Shell with Gorilla Rilla. I'm sure Raider Take must have a smile from ear to ear. Here are the rest of the photos from the official Raiders website.
What a righteous photo indeed!
Ya see this one of my man, Lester Hayes, lookin' healthy?
Wonder if Willie Brown remembered that after you shake Lester's hand, it always takes 20 minutes with Goo Off to get ridda de Stickum?
#37 looks great! As a matter of fact, he looks fit enough to suit up and "procure some more deceased presidents"!
There was also a cool photo of McNasty & Jackie Slater that is worth a 2nd look.
Especially good to see Willie B. and Lester together. Hayes was pretty critical of Brown as a DB coach when he played.
Lester apparently said Willie belonged coaching the Bad News Bears - LOL!
McQ still has the mullet...for now
I can't wait to see Shell standing on the sidelines during games. It will be great not seeing Norv or Callahan there anymore.
Here are more photos: Bring back da nasty photos
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